Friday, 10 May 2019

Wisdom is Calling You

Wisdom is Calling You

Proverbs 1:20 – Wisdom cries without, she utters 
her voice in the streets.

    God offers His wisdom to all people, regardless of their station or status in life. It is available to all, but its procurement is conditional. Wisdom is offering herself to us but, like a beautiful, secure woman, she doesn’t chase after love, fishing for compliments, she waits to be pursued and chased after. The Wisdom of God does not randomly or erratically fall on people, it is given only to the hungry. Do you and I truly desire wisdom? Whatever we desire is what we will pursue, in fact, the pursuit is the evidence of desire. We may say that we want wisdom, but it does not come to lazy and lethargic people; it does not come to dreamers who sit down and put their feet up and merely hope for a better day.

    Wisdom cries and that cry must be responded to. The cry of hunger and the cry of humility must come up out of us to meet the cry of wisdom; indeed, the deep and hidden longings of God are crying out to the deep and hidden longings of man. The supply of wisdom in God’s heart is calling out to the need for wisdom in man’s heart.

    Wisdom cries without; which means it cries from outside of us. We do not have it internally, or naturally, it is separate from us and we must go get it. It is outside of our natural ability to produce true wisdom. Sometimes people in business might say that they need outside help; meaning that they need someone else to come from outside the organization and give an impartial perspective. Wisdom is just like that in that it is an uninfluenced and separate power being offered from an outside source.

    If it is not randomly given, then, who gets the wisdom? Those who hunger and seek for it. Those who are humble enough to realize that they need it. Those who desire it and are determined to acquire it. Those who make it a life-long quest. They are the ones who will benefit from the wise insight of the Almighty.

Are you and I included in that class of rare people who have enough humility and sense to know that they need higher wisdom? Are we that kind of people who intensely hunger for this wisdom and seek it out at the only true source? Wisdom is calling, are we answering the call?

Thursday, 2 May 2019

Are You the Author?

1 Corinthians 14:46 - What? Came the word of God out from you? Or, came it unto you only?

    Human nature has not changed since the beginning of time or, shall we say, at least since the fall of Adam. That is why the Scriptures are continually current. God's word will never be out of date because it simply states things as they are, and its’ true principles always correlate to our circumstances and our condition. It has been said that we do not actually read the Bible, it reads us. The word of God cuts through all the facade of our self-confident arrogance and self-imposed ignorance and pierces the heart with truth.

    In Paul's letters to the Corinthians, we learn much about human nature and certain tendencies which are our collective and continual struggle today, as well. If we read and study closely, and listen with humility, we can gain wisdom and avoid falling into the same traps as they did.

    The Corinthians had many problems, but one major recurring nuisance was the issue of pride. Paul, in his distinctive fashion, deals directly with the trouble like a surgeon with a scalpel cutting out cancer and his words apply very fittingly to us today.

    Paul uses questions to shock them and arouse thought; What? He seems surprised and almost appalled. What? How dare any of you to think this way. How audacious. How impudent. You obviously have a short memory as it was only a few years ago that I came to you bearing the Word of God. Have you forgotten? All parents understand the use of this question. What? What did you do? What did you say? What were you thinking?

    How arrogant of us to imagine that the Word of God originated with us, or that we are somehow more special than others, but isn't that exactly what we do when we portray ourselves as the only group that is being used of God to reach people and bring about change in our land? Now, granted, we do not vocalize that terminology because we know that to speak that way would be the peak of self-exaltation, however, we certainly do imply these things in the way and the manner which we conduct ourselves. The message is received loud and clear without verbalizing it. We are the ones among whom the revelation has come. We are the ones whom God has entrusted with this message and we have been chosen for His use. We might not say it but, by that attitude, we look down our noses at our poor brothers who obviously do not have the light. Apparently, they simply are not able to receive the truth that we have been entrusted with.

    To believe that the Word of God has come out from us only, would be as ridiculous as believing that the alphabet originated with us. No, the alphabet is a gift from God to us and it is the building blocks with which we build. We did not create it and we cannot assume authorship of it. The raw materials are God's, in fact, He is the Alpha and Omega; He is the alphabet. There are no other letters that exist, we don’t need any other ones, in fact, it is vain and useless to look for more. He is ultimate completion and we are complete in Him. The only thing that we need to do is to creatively assemble the letters and prayerfully combine the words to bring His Word and His Message to our culture and the people around us.

    The Word of God is given to us through many different channels, but it does not originate in the channel; it originates with God. He has chosen to reveal Himself to us through His Word. He has mercifully disclosed His heart to us and because of that we can know Him and walk with Him. Instead of being prideful about the portion of truth we have, we should simply be grateful; grateful that God has opened our eyes and allowed us to see Him and to hear His voice. No, the Word of God did not come out from us and it did not come to us only. It is His Word that comes from His heart and it is for all people; every nation; every culture; everyone.

    Thank you, Father God for bringing your Word to us; you have radically changed our lives, and thank you for allowing us to be channels of your message of grace and healing to others!