Ephesians 6:10 – Finally, my brothers,
be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might.
times like this, our life can feel like it is rapidly unravelling, and it can
seem like nothing is certain anymore. The truth is, our world has always been
an insecure and unsafe place, but it has recently highlighted that fact by showing
us its’ true colours. When things are going well, it is easy to be lulled into
complacency, forgetting that life on Earth is fragile and can change very
quickly. We should remember, however, that conflict is not a new thing. Right
from the outset, in the garden of Eden, the serpent has been an aggressive
enemy, looking for strategic opportunities to strike at the heel of
Ephesians were no different than us, they too faced tremendous opposition and
challenges. Paul, himself, was a battle-seasoned warrior, who understood only
too well, the fight of faith, in fact, he wrote this letter chained within a
cold, dark prison cell. Like a general preparing his troops for war, he lays
out in writing God’s strategy of warfare. Be strong. Don’t try to be strong,
just be strong. This is not a suggestion; it is a command. Be strong. Strength
is the solution to a lot of problems. If we are strong enough, we can face
anything, endure all things, and overcome everything. Be strong, but don’t
simply muster up strength; don’t be strong in yourselves; be strong in the
are commanded to be strong in the Lord and our Father would never command us to
do something impossible. No intelligent parent would demand that their young
child do something beyond their capability, that would be unfair and unjust.
God commands, but within the command itself is the power to do it. The Word of
God has self-fulfilling power. When God says, ‘Be strong’, we must simply
receive the power to be what He has commanded. If the Lord Jesus stood in front
of you and said, ‘Be healed’, you would not try to heal yourself, you would
simply receive the power to be healed. He commanded it and He will provide what
is necessary for it to be fulfilled.
great secret to the Christian life is realizing our union with Christ. He has
united us and made us one with Him. Be strong in union with the Lord. Whatever
we merge with transfers its’ strength into us. If a small company merges with a
big corporation, the small company ceases to be small and takes on the strength
of the large organization. I am united to the strongest being in the universe.
My spirit has been submerged into His. I have His strength and power; therefore,
I can stand strong and face all situations bravely. It is not my strength; it
is His strength that he imparts to me. This kind of strength comes from a Spirit-given
revelation of my union with Christ. Paul began his letter by asking God to open
the eyes of their heart, so they could see what God sees. If we can see what
the Lord sees, strength will result. There is a way through, we just have to
see it. Yes, Lord, open our eyes to the availability of your strength and the
method of access to it.