Wednesday, 8 November 2023

Who are Your Companions?


Who are Your Companions?

Proverbs 13:20 – He that walks with wise men shall be wise, but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.

    Physicists tell us that all physical objects exert a gravitational pull on each other; they silently influence and affect each other. If this is true for physical, inanimate objects, how much truer is it for living beings? The Bible reinforces the fact that we are being constantly influenced and we are also, simultaneously influencing others. The type of people we associate and walk with will determine much of the quality and outcome of our lives.

    To walk with someone implies a steady, consistent connection and relationship. Apparently, both wisdom and foolishness are transferable through our association with others and the influence they have on our attitude, our speech and our overall way of life. We don’t become wise or foolish overnight, but both are inevitable depending on the kind of people with whom we consistently associate.

    If we desire to be wise, then we must intentionally find wise people to observe and learn from. Have you noticed that those who work in the financial planning realm usually end up being well-off financially? That is because all day long they are in an environment where finances and wise investments are on people’s minds and in their conversations. If a young lady goes to work in one of those offices, she will come under the influence of older ones who have proven these things over time and have become very successful. There is also, a climate of positive peer pressure which influences all to use their money wisely. Over time, the young lady, by walking with wise mentors will become financially wise.

    We are directly influenced, whether positively or negatively, by those with whom we spend time. It might be the books we read, the movies we watch, the people we are involved with, or the places we go. Thoughts, ideas, philosophies and beliefs affect us, influence us and mould our lives. If all we do is spend time observing people at the beach, then bikinis and biceps will be what is on our mind. If all we do is go to the mall, then jackets and jewelry will absorb our thoughts. What do we spend the bulk of our time doing? What is it that consumes our energies and interests? Have you and I taken an inventory lately?

    Foolishness brings ruin and loss and it is the sad story of all stubborn, thick-headed people. A fool is oblivious to what is happening around him. He continues rushing recklessly forward on the same rough road not having sense enough to stop and consider where this road leads. He is unaware that he is destroying himself because he is about as sharp as a child’s plastic axe. Every day brings more pain but, apparently, not enough to motivate him to initiate change.

    The principles of wisdom are slowly taught, and it is our responsibility and choice to seek out the resources of wisdom; read the books, listen to the messages, and learn those principles, but the attitude of wisdom is subconsciously caught. That attitude is infectious and you can only catch it from spending time and rubbing shoulders with intelligent and wise people. Get some new friends, associate with people who have some goals, acquaint yourself with the wide world of wisdom, listen and learn, observe and practice and then, watch your life steadily change and improve in ways that you could never have imagined.