Ephesians 2:8, 9
- For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is
the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.
In these two
verses I believe that we are given a pattern of the way that we have received
and how we can continue to receive from God. By grace through faith is the
pattern. Grace made salvation available and faith made salvation attainable.
Grace provided the answer and faith appropriated it. It is not of myself, it is
the gift of God. What is the gift of God? I believe that all of it is a gift;
the salvation, the grace and the faith. None of this was of my own doing, I did
not have grace or faith or salvation within me. It was given to me by a
gracious act of God. It is not of works. It is not a result of man’s energy or
action. Man cannot attain this on his own, it must be given and it must be
received. Grace gives, faith receives. Obviously, the grace is not of ourselves.
The word grace indicates that another person chose to act a certain way toward
us. It is grace; God’s choice to love and to provide the solution regardless of
our attitude toward him. For grace to be genuine grace it cannot be manipulated
or coerced, it must be freely given. Grace is God’s attitude toward us, it is his
stance and posture. He has the ultimate Father’s heart, always thinking of his
children. Faith also, is a gracious gift enabling us to believe and to receive
from him. Without faith I am not able to appropriate what has been provided. Grace
offers, faith accepts. Grace delivers the goods, faith signs for it. Grace
deposits into the bank, faith withdraws from it. Grace ensures that oxygen is
available, faith breathes it in. By grace through faith. Grace made salvation available two thousand
years ago when you and I were not here. Quite obviously then, it is not of works.
that we said that this is a pattern for our continued walk with God. Salvation
is the all-inclusive word that gathers into itself all that God intended for us.
Healing, deliverance, rescue, safety, preservation and soundness are all
included. So we could say it like this; by grace are you healed through faith
and that grace, that faith and that healing is not of yourselves, it is the
gift of God. By grace are you rescued through faith. By grace are you delivered
through faith. We don't earn a single thing, it is all a gift. God’s grace is so big and so vast that he has provided everything
and anything that we may need to live a full, productive and satisfying life.
It has been made available for you and I; go ahead and receive. By grace
through faith. Thank you, Jesus!