2Cor. 4:18 - While
we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen:
for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen
are eternal.
verse describes the daily battle. We live in the world of sense but we know
that this world of sense is not the highest reality. Paul encourages us to
‘look’ at the things which are not seen. So, there are things which are seen,
they are obvious and clearly revealed to the senses. We see them, we hear them,
we can touch them, and they exist in a world of time and sense. The five senses
are amazing gifts given to us by God to interact with our world. Everything we
know comes through those five senses. We saw it, we heard it, and we gained
knowledge by using our senses. But Paul says there is a world outside of time
and sense, there are things unseen. We are to ‘look’ at the invisible things. What are those things
which are not seen? They are eternal realities. Because we live in this world
it is very easy to walk through this life without realizing or prioritizing the
next life. One way to look at things which are not seen is to believe that they
exist and to plan accordingly. The life of faith is not based on the things
which are seen, or things which are revealed to the senses. The faith life is
based on the things which are not seen, or things which are not revealed to the
senses. There is a striking contrast between things seen and things unseen,
things temporary and things eternal. If it is seen it is temporary. Everything
we see is temporary, it is but for a moment or a season, it will not last
forever. Everything we do not see is eternal, it will endure through all time
and it will last forever. So the important question is, what are we looking at?
Are we constantly looking at the visible world and directing our lives by it?
Or are we constantly looking at the invisible world and basing our decisions on
it? Jesus described two men that built houses by their attitude toward the Word
of God. The wise man built his house on a rock solid foundation by hearing the
Word and acting on it and living by it. He ‘looked’ at things which are not
seen. The foolish man built his house on a shifting foundation by ignoring the
importance of the Word of God and not having a daily priority of practicing
what he heard. Both houses probably looked similar for a time. It wasn’t until
the storms came that the true nature and strength of the foundation was
discovered. The house is the thing which is seen, the foundation is the thing
which is not seen. The thing which is seen is subject to the elements and thus
to change, the thing which is not seen is hidden below the surface and
established upon a rock so it is unmovable regardless of what comes. Let’s
focus on the unseen and build an eternally secure house!