Friday 1 April 2016

The Christian be Continued.

Acts 14:22 - Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.

    Paul and Barnabas had both tremendous success and remarkable opposition on their first missionary journey. They had to flee at times, being literally chased out of cities; Paul himself was unjustly and brutally stoned to the point of death. These men were definitely not self-focused or self-centered men. They were men motivated by both the Spirit of God and the charge that they were given, as they were sent by God to this region. Even after pouring themselves out during an intense time of hostility to their ministry, instead of being the ones looking for attention and seeking sympathy, they were the ones who were supporting and reinforcing others. After being driven out of several cities, they went directly back in to those very same cities to bring encouragement and strength to the disciples.
    Our text tells us that Paul and Barnabas confirmed the souls of the disciples. Whatever they said to them, it strengthened their soul; it fortified their inner life, it encouraged their mental state and emotional perspective. The battle that we face daily is primarily spiritual. It is not a physical battle of wit or weapons, neither is it a conflict of brain or brawn. We are not going to win in a fight of mere intellect, nor will we succeed in a contest of sheer muscle. No! Even though we have much outward opposition, our real struggle is nonphysical, invisible and keenly personal. It is a battle of the soul.
    Probably the first thing that we will encounter as a believer is the temptation to quit, acquiescing and surrendering our faith. This tactic of temptation is aimed at your soul, that is, your mind, your will and your emotions. You may begin to rationalize your situation and attempt to reason your way out of continuing this way of faith. If we are continuing in the faith, then, that means that we are staying in the place of faith. The fight is intended to get us to move out of the place of faith that we already occupy. Paul says elsewhere to ‘fight the good fight of faith’; it is a fight to remain steady under intense pressure to quit.
    As believers, we must realize that the enemy we face is a clever strategist and an experienced psychologist. He has been studying methods of warfare and the habits of mankind for over 6000 years. Remember, we are not going to win in a fight of mere intellect; we are not going to outsmart the devil, however, we can outlast him. As one old prophet-preacher used to say, ‘Perseverance will always outlast persecution’.
    Paul and Barnabas came back to those new believers and exhorted them to continue holding their ground. The word exhort is very descriptive; it pictures the leader of an army coming to the front-line where his battle-weary troops are assembled. He stands before them and exhorts them; he summons them to look deep within their hearts and to remember why they are fighting. ‘Think of your country, think of your family, think of your freedom and ride forth with me into victory. We can do this and together we shall conquer!’ The enemy is like the criminal invaders of an army; he is trying to take what the people of the land already have. You and I are citizens of Heaven’s land, we are not trying to attain the ground; we are simply defending what the Lord has already given to us. As fellow believers we need to constantly exhort one another. ‘You can do this! Christ in you is sufficient! The Greater One indwells you and he is causing you to stand your ground! We will prevail if we do not surrender and forfeit our authority’.

    I want to encourage you today. You may be going through the battle of your life, but remember, that the battle of today is not just about today; it is about your future and eternal destiny. Also, this fight is not just about you; it is about those around you; family, friends, and others who are looking to you and secretly hoping that your Jesus is indeed real and that he has the answers for them as well. God is with you and he has committed himself and all of heaven’s resources to see you succeed. The key to victory is wrapped up in one word: continue.

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