Thursday 14 December 2017

You are His Choice

Mark 14:50 – And they all forsook him and fled.

    As we read of what transpired in the garden of Gethsemane on the night of Jesus’ betrayal, we find ourselves in a scene depicting in graphic detail the contrast between our Lord in perfectly calm poise and the disciples in frenzied panic and disarray. Many times when we think of that night, we also specifically think of Judas and we wonder how he could have betrayed the Lord. How could he have stooped that low? We might even get a little indignant and maybe somewhat self-righteous, saying proudly to ourselves, “I could never do that”. However, friends, it is important to realize that the potential to walk in the steps  of Judas lies within each of us. In fact, this verse levels the playing field and puts us all on the same ground, so to speak.

    Judas was not the only traitor that night. Regardless of their insistence that they would stay with the Lord no matter what, when the pressure was on, all of the disciples forsook Him and fled. Each one made a choice to preserve his own life. Every one of them deserted Jesus at His point of deepest need. Jesus had specifically hand-picked the disciples and I believe they represent a cross-section and composite of humanity which means that we are included in the ‘all’ that forsook Him and fled. When we forsake someone we abandon that person; we disregard what happens to them. When we flee we put ourselves and the protection of our own life ahead of another’s. We might even trample over others to ensure that we reach a place of safety.

    Even though it was a terrible thing that Jesus was forsaken that night, it had to be so. In order for the plan of God to be fulfilled, Jesus had to face complete and utter abandonment. He was abandoned so that we might be included. He was deserted so that we would never have to be. He was rejected so that we could be accepted and given complete security. He endured the suffering of the cross and the spiritual torture to save us from an horrific fate that could never be fully described. He bravely faced the harsh treatment and the ruthless punishment for you and for me. Like a shield that receives the blows protecting the one behind it, He took those blows and absorbed them courageously. He was brutally afflicted, we were mercifully exempted.

    In light of what we have read in this short article today, what should be our response? What is it that we are to learn? One lesson is that our inclusion and acceptance in the Father’s family was not our idea. It was not based on our actions or performance, which may have been good or bad; it was God’s idea. It was and still is, His will for all mankind to be blessed, happy and protected, living in His peace and security. Everything that we have from God is given as a gift and therefore it cannot be earned. It is true that we have failed and we will, no doubt, fail again but none of that determines God’s heart toward us. Recently I watched a movie in which a man described the fact that his adult children did not love him but he determined that it was not their job to love him; it was his job, as a father, to love his children. God is the ultimate and perfect Father and He will never stop loving His children. So even though we may forsake Him He will never leave us nor forsake us. Thank you Father, we accept your steadfast love. May it transform us and help others to live and bask in the light of your amazing mercy and grace!

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