Monday 22 July 2019

Are You Happy?

Proverbs 3: 13 – Happy is the man that finds wisdom and the man that gets understanding.

    The world is searching for happiness and unfortunately, it may be more elusive than people would like to admit. God, however, offers happiness to us as a result, not as a goal. The man who finds wisdom is happy because wisdom solves problems; it brings answers to perplexing situations. Wisdom gives insight into the why of a thing. Why am I in this trouble? Why is my financial situation like it is, or my marriage and family? Why do I keep making poor choices? Wisdom answers the question of why and it gives insight into reasons and causes. It also answers the how of a circumstance, or situation. How am I going to resolve this difficulty? How are we going to overcome this challenge? How am I going to change?

    Notice that this verse does not say, wise is the man that finds happiness; it says, happy is the man that finds wisdom. Wisdom is to be our life quest, not happiness. Like anything of true value, wisdom must be found; it must be discovered, but first, it must be desired. Wisdom comes to those who desire it and have the right motive for wanting it. Wisdom isn’t just going to bring a change to our circumstances; it will bring a change to us first; it changes our thinking, our values, and our choices.

    Instead of pursuing what I think is the answer or the solution, I need to pursue wisdom and then let wisdom dictate to me the steps to take which will solve the problem. Someone has once said that all problems are wisdom problems, meaning that we usually get into them through a lack of wisdom and conversely, wisdom will lead us out of them. God’s wisdom answers every need of man and it goes right to the root of the trouble. Most people only want relief from the pressure of a difficult situation and God is indeed merciful and will bail us out, however, if we are bailed out once, we will most likely need many more instances of rescue from our continued poor choices. If we want any kind of lasting change, we, ourselves, must change. Diets alone don’t work; a change of eating patterns does. Simply attending a rehabilitation program doesn’t work; a change in thought patterns does. Financial consolidation, by itself, doesn’t work; a change in spending patterns does. Joining a gym doesn’t work; a change in exercise patterns does.

    The man that finds wisdom is happy because he finally feels like he is on the right path and even though things may be hard and the road may be uphill, he is happy because he is heading in the right direction and knows that he will eventually get to where he is going. To pursue God’s wisdom is to align ourselves with His plan and purpose and that gives great meaning and fulfillment to our everyday lives. His wisdom puts us on the journey of a higher destiny and produces a sense of peace and contentment which no amount of money or worldly treasure could give us.

    You may not be able to see your wisdom-answers because they are hidden, but just as parents hide things before their children go on a treasure hunt, they are not hidden from you, they are hidden for you. Wisdom-treasures await all those who seek. Happy is the man that finds wisdom. Are you happy?

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