Monday 23 March 2020

To See is Good; to Foresee is Better

Proverbs 22:3 – A prudent man foresees the evil and hides himself, the simple pass on and are punished.
Prudence is an old word that has gone out of vogue in modern times, however, it contains powerful shades of meaning and is worth a close look. The word has to do with having forethought and being able to see far ahead. And, not surprisingly, that is exactly how it is used here. The prudent man is a wise man who is always looking ahead. Knowledge deals with what has happened and can only analyze and assess past and current circumstances. Wisdom, however, deals with what is going to happen. What is coming? What will this year bring? What precautions should we be taking? What preparations are needed? Wisdom foresees.
Prudent people do not blunder ahead rashly, but instead, they cautiously consider all factors before moving forward. Foolish and naïve people never dream of something bad happening to them, they live like the world is a playground, created only for their enjoyment and ease. Sensible ones, on the other hand, know that the world is actually more of a battleground, with dangers on every side and evil people lurking around every corner desiring to steal goods or harm others. Wisdom foresees and prepares. The financially wise prepare for an inevitable economic slowdown, but the financially foolish think it is always going to boom. A wise person prepares for the changes that come as one ages, the fool thinks he will be thirty years old forever.
The prudent one is a humble one who knows his limitations and has a sensible view of his frailty and weakness, thus he hides himself. He doesn’t hide himself out of fear, or cowardice, but he hides himself out of a proper assessment of life and his own mortality. He hides himself for the benefit of all those around him. Wisdom knows when to hide and has the humility to do it, even though others may foolishly misunderstand and misinterpret his caution.    
Foolishness is always living in the moment and not having eyes to see what may be coming down the pike, so to speak. It is important to realize that when the Bible uses the term simple, it is not a compliment. To be simple is to be naïve and unrealistic about how life works, and it is connected to immaturity and childishness. Keeping things simple is good but, being a simpleton is not. Silliness, thoughtlessness and irresponsibility are all close siblings that linger and loiter together, indeed, they are a chip off the old block, and their father is pride.
A proud and arrogant fool is one who mocks and ridicules the ideas of safety and taking cover under wise principles and practices. ‘I don’t need to save money. I don’t need to curb my spending. I don’t need a life-jacket. I don’t need a seat belt. I don’t need to take precautions.’ And on and on these fools blindly rant, until the bankruptcy courts and the local cemeteries fill up.
God is offering us His wisdom. He is warning us to not delay, because now is the time to be ready for what lies ahead. We must forsee what is coming so we can plan accordingly. Do not procrastinate. Do not hesitate. Do not be fearful, but be wise; be prudent, and begin now to hide yourself in the protective principles of wisdom.

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