Friday, 24 June 2016

Are You Ready?

To make ready a people prepared for the Lord – Luke 1:17

    This man named John was sent by God to make ready a people prepared for the Lord. The mission did not start in the hearts of the people; even John did not initiate the mission. The mission was initiated by God. God is the original Missionary, if you will, which suggests that every mission of ours is really a submission to the higher mission of God. God has a mission and his mission is about establishing a people. John had a mission put in his heart by God; to prepare a people for the Lord. It is interesting to note that while God certainly loves individuals, He wants a people, a group, a family, a nation, an assembly of people. Your personal, individual life is important but it is always in relationship to others that God calls us. God has always wanted a people for Himself. He loves people. He created people. He wants to use people and entrust people. He wants to live amongst a people and fellowship with them.

    The word ‘people’ in the Greek is the word ‘laos’ from which we get our term ‘laity’. God never has been a God of class distinction; he does not see what we call the clergy and the laity, he is simply looking for a people. He is not looking, necessarily, for a preacher, or a minister, He is looking for ordinary, believing people. ‘I sought for a man’. Our hearts are not naturally prepared or inclined to do the will of God or even to recognize God when he arrives in our lives. If we are not made ready and prepared we will not receive Him when he comes. Jesus came to His own people and His own received Him not. Jesus lamented the fact that even Jerusalem did not know or recognize the time of her visitation. They were not ready.

    It is of supreme importance that we be prepared. Most people understand what it means to prepare and the necessity of it. When we are planning a vacation, we prepare by saving money and booking it on the calendar. When we are expecting a child, we prepare by designating a room as a nursery and furnishing it accordingly. When we are having friends over for dinner we prepare by purchasing the ingredients and cooking a meal. When we get up in the morning to exercise we prepare by warming up and stretching our muscles. When we want to plant a garden we prepare the soil by turning the ground and moistening the soil. Everything in life needs preparation. If we do not prepare we will inevitably forget something or we will not have adequate provision or we may even hurt ourselves. In like manner, our hearts need preparation. We need to be ready when the Lord chooses to move into our lives and circumstances. There are strategic times and opportunities when God is pursuing us and inviting us to a closer walk with Him. Isaiah encourages us to ‘Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near’.

   Yes, Lord, prepare my heart to be responsive to your presence, to fellowship and commune with you. Prepare me in connection with those whom I will need in order to fulfill your will in my life. Prepare me to obey your voice and to be a part of the fulfillment of your plan.

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