Monday, 25 July 2016

Several Vital Elements Needed

Acts 2:37-41  Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do? Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. 

    After this group heard Peter preach the Word their hearts were pierced with truth and they were made acutely aware of their need. Where is the preaching that pierces the heart and brings conviction of a need to change? Where is the preaching that produces this kind of a response in people? ‘What shall we do?’ was the cry of their heart. 
    The first thing Peter tells them is to repent. Repentance is foundational to beginning a walk with God. It seems to clear the ground and prepare a way for God to work. Repentance is seeing things from God’s perspective and thus having a complete change of mind and direction. If I am walking on a certain path heading East and I repent, then that means I turn around and I head West, in an opposite direction. It means to think differently and to reconsider. This change of thinking and direction is a pivotal point for changing our lives. Simply stopping some bad habits and going to church does not mean that you have repented and are now viewing life and eternity much differently. The result of repentance is a changed life. When Zacchaeus came in contact with Jesus his life radically changed, he thought differently and he lived differently, even to the point of affecting his view of money. When Peter’s mother-in-law was healed she got up and gratefully served Jesus and his disciples, it was all about others now. When the blind man was healed, he didn’t use his new found sight to obtain what he desired, no, he followed Jesus very closely. When this group of people asked Peter what they should do now that they have been made aware of a need in their lives, he said to repent. One writer has said that repentance removes any moral blockage so that you can believe and obey God. If that blockage or hindrance is in the way there will be no flow of life or power from God to us. We are in charge of our own thinking and we must change the way we think. 
    The result of true repentance and change will lead the believer to take a radical step of obedience and be publicly baptized and immersed in water. This is the open demonstration and declaration of a new life in Christ. It is similar to a marriage ceremony. It is a statement to all people that you belong to another. Like marriage, this is no simple piece of paper. It is an official act that changes your status and it is recognized in three worlds. Heaven, Earth and Hell will stand up and take notice of a believers’ public and open faith. This immersion is a witness to Heaven. Jesus said that the angels in Heaven rejoice when one person repents. Heaven is aware of our choices and they document it when the right choice is made. Apparently, there are books and events being recorded and written down in Heaven. When someone repents and changes and steps into the waters of immersion, confessing Jesus before all, Heaven observes and pledges its resources. A committed believer now has the commitment of Heaven. He has been taken into the responsibility of the Father. This immersion is a witness to the Earth and all its inhabitants. It testifies to the fact that you are identified with Jesus and you now live under a different Lord. He is your Lord and by His grace you will serve Him and live a new kind of life. You have transferred your allegiance to a new kingdom; a kingdom of faith, hope and love. As the people of Earth witness your confession and your new lifestyle, they will now have an opportunity to follow your example and discover a life of faith. This immersion is a witness to Hell. It draws a line in the sand and testifies to the enemy that there is no going back. There will be no compromise here. I have decided to follow Jesus. I am putting my hand to the plow and I will not be looking back. There will be a test to this outward statement of your faith. As in any area of our life, there is no such thing as an unchallenged commitment. The enemy hates commitment because, once someone vows to live for God, he is powerless to stop it. Edwin Louis Cole once wrote that perseverance will always outlast persecution, so no matter what kind of pressure you come under, if you persist, you will overcome any and all opposition. Your choice has now become your ticket to freedom from all that has hindered you in the past. 
    We are to be immersed in the Name of Jesus, the Christ. God has highly exalted Jesus and given Him a Name that is above every other name. At the Name of Jesus every knee should bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. That Name is higher and carries more authority than any other name. There is no other name under Heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. There is salvation in that Name. There is healing in that Name. There is deliverance in that Name. There is freedom in that Name. There is safety in that Name. We are immersed into the Name and all that the Name has accomplished and all that the Name represents is now ours. 
    I encourage you to remember that we, as members of the Body of Christ, are vitally united to the living Christ. We are part of the most victorious and the most glorious Church of the living God and there is nothing about God that is weak or in any way has ever been diminished. Do not be misled; the church of Jesus will always prevail against the forces of darkness. Don't be discouraged, continue to walk with Jesus, stay on his side and stay on the winning team!

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